
life . Portrait . street

Madison, WI


Fontana Giusti


Another lovely afternoon in Milwaukee with film street sister Maddie Mason and Jackie and her magical Yashica Mat 124 (pssst. it’s not the camera who’s magical, it’s what she does with it…). I’ve given up on minimalism it seems, I went out with three (THREE!) cameras:

  1. the Yashica Mat EM loaded with half a roll of Tri-X I really wanted to finish and develop
  2. the Kodak Retina IIIc that’s so pretty, and so lovely, and kind of hard to use but sooooo rewarding to use, loaded with some expired Kodak TMax100 of unknown origin
  3. the Olympus Stylus Epic 120 with its powerful zoom and its flash that decides to go off when you try to be stealthy, loaded with the roll of Cinestill 400D I hadn’t finished the week before.

So I might have been overshooting, and maybe these are not all good, but they’re about the joy of going people watching on Friday evening in a neighbourhood where people go gather, relax, and have a good time. 

Also, I’m completely charmed by Milwaukee’s cityscape. I’m looking at Chicago next, but I have no idea where to start, beginning with Parking without getting into further debt (or getting there without a car), so if you have any tips, please get in touch, I want to work those biiiiig city crowds… Also, I’m open to meeting up, because while street photography is a solitary practice, working alongside other shooters gets you into a different perspective, pushes you to look and see in different ways, inspires you to break boundaries you didn’t even know you had, and it’s amazing!

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