
life . Portrait . street

madison, WI


Fontana Giusti

JANUARY 8, 9 & 21, 2023 // SÃO PAOLO, BRAZIL

In case anyone missed it, I gave myself a Southern Hemisphere vacation in January, I spent too much money on a ticked and hopped on a plane to go pay a long overdue visit to my twin sister Aurelia (if you make it to the end of the article, you’ll see her in the last photograph) who’s been living in São Paolo for the past 5,5 years (it’s easy to count, she moved there right after my son Emilio was born, at exactly the same time I moved to Ontario).

You’ll be shocked, but I will tell you that in São Paolo it always rains. Don’t tell me mine is only anecdotal evidence, I won’t hear it!

Not that it matter, but in case someone asks, these images are a collection of shots made with my Kodak Retina IIIc and my Yashica Mat 124, with a mixture of film stocks: Kodak Gold 200 & Ilford FP4+ in the Retina ; Kentmere 400 in the Yashica.

Don’t mind my editing, I’m getting lazy and my scans are full of dust.

As a bonus, here are also some shots I took in the Vila Madalena neighbourhood on the second to last day on Ektar 100. I really wanted to use that roll in Brazil, but somehow missed the opportunity in sunny Bahia and bright Rio, so I loaded it in my Yashica Mat EM as a storm was forming in the afternoon. It was a very questionable choice, and I ended up rating and pushing the film to 800 – remember: in São Paolo in always rains…

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