
life . Portrait . street

madison, WI


Fontana Giusti

PART 2: palermo TO genova

I haven’t forgotten I owe the part 2 to this lovely street photography on a boat series. 

On the way back, I forwent my digital camera altogether and went to town with my holga GFN, probably inspired by the lovely Anna Starr and the wonderful instagram feature account ferries on film. And I’m actually glad about it, it keeps me more on point as a film street photographer…

I think it might have been the return from holidays effect, I noticed on this ride there was so much more social playing (cards, chess, etc.) and much less solo pass-time going on, and I was there for it!

These were all shot with monochromatic film (and honestly that’s a feature, who doesn’t love black and white street photography) with my Holga GFN and my Olympus OM2.

Those who play:

Those who “read” – magazines and crosswords:

And those who crash:


When I’m watching people there are a few reference photographers I (sometimes unconsciously, but not always) keep in the back of my mind, to guide my attention, and notice more. And Elliott Erwitt (may he rest in peace) is one of them, I’m pleased with a few of my dog images.

A contemplative serie heavy in leading lines, and geometries:


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