
life . Portrait . street

Madison, WI


Fontana Giusti

Los Vochos de Taxco, or my day-trip back in time // Taxco, MX, February 2024

Yes, I shared many of these on instagram already, because I couldn’t get enough of the VW Beetle-town I stumbled on a little bit by chance, but not all, and these images are small town street photography, so they belong on this blog – also because I make the rules here…

These are a mix of images made with my Holga 120GFN on Portra160, and with the Minolta P&S on Colorplus 200. I left the Yashica Mat at the hostel because I didn’t want to carry too much on a long day of busing, walking, walking, walking, and busing back…

Because of the cameras used, I didn’t bother editing, I feel like the point-and-shoot images have more feeling with the little dust specks scattered at random on the images, but that’s a personal feeling, and an artistic parti-pris.

The lovely "vochos" (beetles)

yes, first things first, cars.

My holga roll wouldn’t be complete without a couple of majestic failures – I’m not quite sure what happened, but I don’t care, I love them anyway!

And of course, I took a taxi ride in a vocho – I went for the authentic experience. Here’s a shot from inside, poorly exposed/developed, but it’s proof…

The stunning views

And the people...

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