
life . Portrait . street

madison, WI


Fontana Giusti

Berlin between flights in 6 frames // Germany, 2024

As some of you know, our summer trips are a whirlwind of flights, getting places to family all over Europe and organizing events we have to attend, etc. 


— forgive a little rant —

To be honest I’m really over this lifestyle, it’s not fun anymore (was it ever fun?), it’s geographically disconnecting, and it doesn’t lend itself to pleasant social moments – the quality time gets seriously affected by the need to recover – and I’m starting to resent having to sacrifice all the travel time and budget we have as a family to these crazy trips. In addition to that, this year on the very same day we finally made it to the mountains in Italy, one of my disks popped out of place, and my physiotherapist made it very clear that long trips in slouchy uncomfortable seats is 100% the reason why this happened. So I don’t know what the future of these trips is going to be, but I for one am over these mandated family tours. So for the family out there who reads this, our summers need to change, they’re simply not sustainable.

— that’s that, sorry —

Anyways, both our our way into and on our way out of Europe we spent a few hours in Berlin, and while I did not have the mental and physical energy to use this time for street photography, and especially not in the company of little people with their own agenda, I managed to snap a few shots. And they feel a little like postcards to me, there’s nostalgia there.

Is the nostalgia a Berlin vibe? Or the quality of its light? Or is it the films I chose to load my camera with (the start of a roll of very expired Fuji Superia 800, and the middle of a roll of Kodak Ektar 100, pushed a stop)? I leave that up to your own appreciation… But just so you know, I found the red ampelmann guy, taking a break, after we took the kids to the spy museum. Now if that’s not nostalgic, I don’t know what is…

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