
life . Portrait . street

madison, WI


Fontana Giusti


This inaugural weekly street-photography outing gave me so much energy, it seriously pumped me up about this new adventure.

I came home looking forward to revealing the images I had made and so I developed the roll of black-and-white images right away. I shot these on the Kodak Retina IIIc with a roll of Agfa APX100, and I was looking forward to the low contrast, fine grain, luminous softness, and subtle greys that this film stock gives, but the developer must have been too cold, because the images were an underdeveloped mess, and these are what I managed to save…

The second roll – in color, with Fuji C200 – I developed the next day, after I took a few pictures of the family. These were taken with my Canon Sure Shot A1 point-and-shoot camera. I didn’t take many street shots on this roll because I was trying to be intentional about the use of color, but luckily I shot most of the street portraits with both cameras, and they didn’t disappoint. 

Anyways, I can’t wait to get back to it. And next time I won’t make the same mistake – I hope!

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