
life . Portrait . street

Madison, WI


Fontana Giusti

JUNE 23-26, 2022 // duluth & grand marais, minnesota

I attended a film photography retreat with a group of other wonderfully creative women on the North shore of Lake Superior on the last weekend of June, and of course I sneaked some street photography whenever I saw something. I hope you enjoy this collection, they were taken on a variety of film stocks and in a variety of cameras.

Kodak Ultramax800 (of unknown expiration date and provenance and unintentionally fogged in camera, rated at 400, which was not enough overexposure) in the Nikon F2 // Duluth

JCH400 (rated at 400 so slightly underexposed) in the Nikon F2 // Duluth

Acros II 100 in the Yashica Mat EM // Grand Marais

Kodak Gold200 and TriX400 in the Pentax67 // Grand Marais

Arista edu 100 in the Graflex Crown Graphic (4×5) // somewhere along the shore

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