
life . Portrait . street

Madison, WI


Fontana Giusti

30-days-of-self project // Days 22-30
Back to film

Day 22 - SeXy70 selfies
sx70, expired 600 film

Day 23 - Mother's day
Graflex crown graphic and Ektar 100

Day 24 - Adriano did it best...
Graflex crown graphic and Ektar 100

Day 25 - ... so I tried it again with flowers, but his is still the best
Graflex crown graphic and Ektar 100

Day 26 - Having a heart-to-heart with my camera (also because IRL I wear glasses 24/7)
pentax 645 and Ilford FP4 expired in 1994

Day 27 - The photographer is not a fruit - a commentary on mercantilism
Lomograflok on the graflex, Instax wide

Days 28, 29 & 30 - Scanning and editing matters, even with film
Canon Elan7, Kodak Ultramax 800 of unknown origin

And a few extras from that session, in digital (last 3) and on film

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