
life . Portrait . street

Madison, WI


Fontana Giusti

January 2024 – Butterflies

January 2024 – butterflies The prompt – The Wounded Deer by Frida Kahlo What Frida’s work means to me Frida’s an icon. A queen. A goddess. Her artwork puts her male contemporaries back into their place. Vulnerable and strong, expressing a singular view, inspired by a culture that considers magic part of what’s real, rooted […]

December 2024 – Seasonal Depression is my own hell

December 2023 – Hell is SAD The prompt – Francesca by Hozier This was inspiring, it’s art made from other art. Hozier took the story of Francesca da Padova as told by Dante, in his inferno (in the Divine Comedy). And there should have been so much to do from it.  Not that lust […]

November 2023 – the month I discovered I’m a baroque artist

November 2023The month I discovered I’m a baroque artist As I start writing this post and collecting the materials, I realize this might be a long one, but it’s going to be a good one, I can feel it, so bear with me… The prompt: Apollo e Dafne, Bernini, early 1620s Apollo and Dafne’s story […]

October 2023 – A month in RGB

October 2023A month in RGB I’m going to try to stay concise because while it was a joy of a month art-wise, my brain moved on, it doesn’t dwell on the past… I’m joking, but not really, I do have ADHD and I move on to the next shiny thing at super speed… The prompt: […]

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