
life . Portrait . street

Madison, WI


Fontana Giusti

America’s most cartoonish city // Montréal, QC – July 3-8, 2024

America’s most cartoonish city // Montréal, QC – July 3-8, 2024 I just spent a mini week in Montréal, and let me put this out right away in the open: while I was there I had shopping goals. It’s no secret I resent the lack of language choices we get in the United States (and […]

Another midwestern city in three days // Minneapolis, July 2024

Another midwestern city in three days // Minneapolis (MN), June 2024 Amy lives in Minneapolis, and I’ve been trying to see Amy for the past two and a half years, and every single time something came up, and it didn’t happen. It would not be quite factually exact to claim I impromptu decided to hop on […]

Three days with my dad // Chicago, May 2024

Three days with my dad // Chicago, May 2024 Traveling light is no longer my strong suit.  I used to be great at it, but shooting film turned me into a gearhead, and now I’m that maniac who travels with three cameras and the film and accessories that go with it. This time I chose […]

Eclipse watchers // Madison Memorial Union, April 2024

Eclipse watchers // Madison Memorial Union, April 2024 I know I’m late, but film takes time, especially when you’re someone like me who always finishes her rolls before developing her images. But my goal here was to take images that were both timeless and very much set at a specific moment in time. It seems […]

Winter seen through plastic cameras // Madison, WI, January -> March 2024

Winter seen through plastic cameras // Madison, WI, January -> March 2024 I just updated my recognition page to add my Daily Holga Winter 2024 winning image, when I realized I might not have photographed many people in the streets this winter, but I have walked around, and carried my plastic cameras along. So this isn’t a […]

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